Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bon Voyage

This is Amy and this is Bri. Tomorrow we are getting on two different planes and heading to Buenos Aires. We actually like each other right now. Maybe in 30 days we will want to kill each other. Or maybe in 30 days we will dump our respective boyfriends and devote our lives to each other. It remains to be seen what will happen. Stay tuned, we will post as the drama unfolds.


justo said...

Good luck girls, hope you don´t forget us...

Anonymous said...

You are a cute couple . . .

Anonymous said...

Yay you are on your way! good luck!

Shaun said...

I hope that things will be less blurry in the future.

Anonymous said...

The MOB show last night was great!!! Thanks for inviting me, and it was so fun to see your "wild" side come out on the stage!!! KNOW your trip in Buenos Aires will be exciting, full of new experiences, and I look forward to following your blog, both of you!!!! God keep you safe and in his arms, Love, Mom