Though we took separate planes, Amy and I timed our flights so that we would leave and arrive at approximately the same time. Unfortunately my plane to BA was late so Amy had to stand around Ezeiza airport being stared at by lecherous Argentines for more than hour.
Overall the Argentines are quite nice and helpful. Several people have offered help without us asking. I guess we look like we don't know what we are doing. We've also gotten quite a few whistles and a lot of full body looks. I think the guys are checking Amy out more than me. I'm a bit jealous.

We took the bus downtown and then thought we would take a cab. But a nice man instructed us on the nearest subway station. When we first started entering the station, I was astonished that the tunnel didn't smell like piss, my shoes weren't sticking to the floor, and there weren't any buskers. I've been in half a dozen subways around the world and this one was by far the cleanest. They must actually mop the floors because they were spotless. Here's me on the disinfected subway.
We found the hostel with little problem and then headed out for CARNE!!! It took a little time to find an actual Argentine restaurant - we found Italian, pan-Asian, sandwiches - but the walk was worth it. For approximately 5 dollars, I got a giant shish-kabob of a variety of meats. Some were strange, but none offensive. Yum.
Now we are satiated and tired. So it's nap time, then off to... actually I don't know where. Somewhere fun.
I always wanted to try the "churrasco"...CARNE!!!
Glad to see you both made it and still have smiles on your face. Good to hear the subways don't smell like the fermenting French ones during a garbage strike. Hey, did you know you have a 10 yr class reunion July 14th? Darlene Kaczor told me today. CARNE makes me hungry so will write more later.
Yes I did know about the reunion. I wasn´t planning on going anyway. BA or Emerald Downs with people I don´t know. Ummmm... I´ll take BA.
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