Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bomb Scares Let You Know We're Safe

Bri is heading off to Iguazu Falls today, one of the most beautiful places in the world, on the Brazillian border. For those of you who knew that, and knew she was flying, don't worry if you hear something about a bomb scare at a Buenos Aires airport. First of all, she's flying from the domestic airport, which is far from the international one where the "bomb" is. Secondly, though Buenos Aires is a big city (a population 6 million in the city, 12 million if you include the suburbs), it's so safe that tiny things make big news.

I've been watching the news for about ten minutes since Bri left, and all 6 news shows here have been showing the same thing: someone left a bag in one of those luggage carts. No phone calls or letters about any threat. It could very well be a bag of souvenirs accidentally left by a tourist, but they take safety very seriously around here, to the point of being an inconvenience, such as when you have to be buzzed in to a clothing store, or the fact that you have to use keys even to get out of buildings.


Anonymous said...

We take all security threats seriously too--did you hear the news abt Sky Harbor shutting down all the security checkpoints in the middle of the night? Yeah, anyone can sashay on through till they reopen at 4:30 am.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Amy, it's mom...

I am writing you at your email address since a lot has changed since you left, and I moved from where I was living. Am fine. Love you and this is the first time I had access to a computer.

Love, Mom