Friday, June 29, 2007

Night Falls in Buenos Aires

Those of you back home, four hours behind us, are just getting into the evening swing, but we're done for the night. Before sunset, we headed out for a walk. While on our walk, we saw a hippodrome. We didn't know what a hippodrome is, but now we do. We wandered in, and found ourselves at a horseracing track. We didn't gamble, but we watched a race.

When we moved on, we ended up at some closed-down park. That wasn't very exciting, but we were amazed at how clean everything is. No litter in the streets at all, no smell of garbage or urine, as you find in most big cities.

We went to the supermercado to pick up some dinner. Argentina is so cheap! We bought an average-priced bottle of wine, and it was less than $3.

I had a bit of a headache when we got back to the hotel. Then, a large, loud group of teenagers showed up, and my headache turned into a migraine. I took some Tylenol and a hot shower, but still it persisted. Then, I vomited a bunch of times. Bri brought me water and rubbed my back. She's a good person.

I'm starting to feel a little better, but I really need a good night's sleep, which I haven't had in a few nights. I may have to kill some teenagers to get that much-needed sleep, but I think it will be worth it.


JRC, the OWL Says Who said...

Oh, thos teenagers!
Ruining your drunken fun!
. . . thats what you get for only buying the $3 bottle.
. . . anyway . . .
Glad you're into it all so far!

JRC, the OWL Says Who said...

Oh, thos teenagers!
Ruining your drunken fun!
. . . thats what you get for only buying the $3 bottle.
. . . anyway . . .
Glad you're into it all so far!

Anonymous said...

I think it is just a small fine for killing teenagers in BA . . .